To strive for respect, enjoyment and excellence


Mathematics at St Andrew’s CE Primary School


Being a confident mathematician is an important life skill. Here at St Andrews CE Primary School we believe that being a ‘good’ mathematician means our pupils have:

·        An understanding of the important concepts and an ability to make connections within mathematics

·        A broad range of skills which they can use and apply within mathematics

·        Fluent knowledge and recall of number facts and the number system

·        The ability to show initiative in solving problems in a wide range of contexts

·        The ability to think independently and to persevere when faced with a challenge

·        The ability to make mistakes and make false starts and see this as part of learning

·        The ability to reason, generalise and make sense of solutions

·        Fluency in performing written and mental calculations

·        A wide range of mathematical vocabulary

·        A commitment and passion for maths


To make sure all our children can develop in this way we have a carefully crafted curriculum which is based on a Singapore maths model. We use ‘Maths No-Problem’ to help develop problem solving and reasoning skills, to build fluency and develop confident mathematicians.​



Maths in Early Years

During Early Years (when children are aged 3, 4 and 5) our pupils are taught to recognise numbers and their values and begin to learn concepts such as more, less and begin to reason about missing numbers and what those may be. Pupils use lots of practical, hands on resources some of which are specially developed for maths such as ‘Numicon’ but they also use lots of everyday items to count and practice number facts and patterns. There is a clear focus on teaching children the language of mathematics.


Maths in Key Stage 1

In Key Stage 1 (when children are ages 5, 6 and 7) our pupils are taught with increasing formality yet with a clear focus on enjoyment of learning and learning in a context using practical, hands on equipment to make learning meaningful. Again we have a clear focus on teaching children to reason about number and use the language of mathematics. Pupils in Key Stage 1 are taught to:

·        Count and calculate in a range of practical contexts

·        Use and apply mathematics in other subjects and in every day life

·        Repeat key concepts in many different, practical ways to help them remember and recall them

·        Explore numbers and place value up to 100

·        Add and subtract using mental and formal written methods in practical contexts

·        Explore the properties of shape

·        Use language to describe position, direction and movement

·        Use and apply in practical contexts a range of measures include time

·        Handle data in practical contexts


At the end of key Stage 1, when children are around 7 years old, they sit a national SAT test in mathematics. The results are collected and published so interested parties can see how well children achieved academically at St Andrew’s compared to children nationally.


Maths in Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2 (when children are aged 7, 8, 9 10 and 11) our pupils continue to be taught to reason about mathematics, to use equipment to help secure their understanding and develop their mathematical vocabulary. Opportunities to use maths skills in other subject areas also continue and we strive to ensure our pupils can:

·        Count and calculate in increasing complex contexts

·        Rigorously apply their mathematical knowledge across the curriculum

·        Deepen conceptual understanding by frequent repetition and extension of key concepts in a range of engaging and purposeful contexts

·        Explore numbers and place value so they can read and understand the value of all numbers

·        Add and subtract using mental and written methods

·        Multiply and divide using efficient mental and formal written methods

·        Use the properties of shapes and angles in increasingly complex and practical contexts

·        Describe position, direction, movement in increasingly precise ways

·        Use and apply measures in increasingly complex contexts

·        Gather, organise and interrogate data

·        Understand the practical value of using algebra.


At the end of Key Stage 2, when children are around 11 years old, they sit a second national SATs tests in mathematics. The results are collected and outcomes in progress and attainment are published alongside national data.

© St Andrew's Church of England Primary School 2024