To strive for respect, enjoyment and excellence
School of Sanctuary Award

School of Sanctuary Award



This year Mrs Bradford and Mrs Simpson are working towards the School of Sanctuary Award (SOS) for St. Andrew’s. As you know we have a very diverse community in our school which grows year by year. Here is a little information about SOS.

It is a growing network of more than 680 primary and secondary schools which are all committed in creating a culture of welcome, understanding and belonging for those who have been forced to flee.

The award is driven by teachers, school staff and governors with the network supporting thousands of children across the UK. SOS raises awareness of the experiences of people seeking safety and plays a key role in building a culture of kindness and compassion.

The values of SOS mirror those at St Andrew’s:

·       Inclusiveness

·       Openness

·       Participation

·       Inspiration

·       Integrity

There are 5 steps to complete in becoming a SOS:

1.     Sign the Pledge to show our schools commitment to the values of SOS

2.     Connect with SOS so that we can keep in touch with local SOS schools

3.     Review what we already do using the self-assessment tool

4.     Submit our application which outlines our evidence for meeting the criteria to become a SOS

5.     The Award! This is shared via our school, SOS website and social media.  Following this we will engage in activities in preparation for reaccreditation in 3 years’ time.

Going forward we have some big plans based around Refugee Week in June which will include linking with a local charity, school assemblies, in class activities for our children to take part in as well as a Share a Dish event for our families.

If you would like to know more, please contact school.

Click this link to learn more




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