To strive for respect, enjoyment and excellence



Hello Reception Parents and Carers,


Welcome to the first term in Reception at St. Andrews! My name is Miss Munro and myself, along with Mrs Shryane will be supporting your child through their first year of school. We are very excited to get to know you all and get stuck into all the learning and fun! For the first half term, we will be focusing on getting to know the children, and helping them settle in to school life! Our key topic will be ‘All about me’, where the children will be learning to develop a sense of self and identity and talk about their families and who is special to them.


Some of the things we will be learning this half term are:


·         Physical Development – We will be focusing on gross motor skills such as: catching and throwing a ball, balancing, and jumping forwards.

·         Art – We will be learning how to make marks and choose colour with intention. This will include completing self-portraits.

·         Maths – Focusing on numbers 1-5, we will be learning to touch count accurately, recognise numbers and drawing numerals, as well exploring some simple patters and shapes. 

·         Science – We will be exploring the concept of ‘change’ by looking at the weather and talking about seasons.

·         PSHE – We will be focusing on identify and self-concept, as well as learning about different feelings and how we can recognise them.


Ongoing Routines in school;

* School starts promptly at 8.50am and ends at 3.20 pm. Our classroom open 5 minutes early to allow children to come inside and get ready for their morning register, any children arriving after this time must go to the office to receive a late mark.

*  Talk Books – Please see inside your child’s bag to find their Talk book homework book. All the information you will need to know about completing the tasks can be found inside their book. Talk books are to be completed over the weekend and to be handed in on Monday Morning.

* Reading books are changed twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. We encourage you to read a minimum of at least three times a week at home to help to build your child's phonics skills and story telling vocabulary. We also ask that you write a comment in your child's reading book to let us know how well they did with their reading book.

* Please continue to log into Tapestry to see what your child is learning in school, we will also discuss what your child's next steps within the comments on Tapestry. – If you have not set up a tapestry account, please contact Miss Munro at the school gates.

 * Keep in touch, if you need any extra support of if you have any questions about anything we are here to support you.

Useful educational websites you could use at home:

Reading websites - 

* Remember to log on to the website MYON at to listen to stories being ready to you online. Each child's individual login has been sent to you on Tapestry.

* The website Oxford Owl has a free eBook library for you to access at home. You will need to make an account to access this library,  but it is free to do so. There are over 1000 children's books in the eBook library for you to look at. Follow this link to view this online eBook library now. 

* provides videos for parents showing you can how to say each pure sounds correctly.

* has lots of free online phonics games to help your children to practise blending skills.

You will also find useful information about school on our social media pages.  Please see the links below:

Warm regards,

Miss Munro 


© St Andrew's Church of England Primary School 2025