To strive for respect, enjoyment and excellence
Year 5

Year 5

Hello Year 5 :)
Well done for being so wonderful in your sharing assembly this morning. I was very proud of you all!
Your homework for this week is listed below.

- Maths - You have been given 3 tasks to complete on Mathletics. All of the tasks set are linked to measuring the perimeter and area of shapes which we have looked at this week. I would also like you to access TTRS and complete some of your times tables throughout the week. .
-Reading - I would like you to read your reading book as much as possible throughout the week and complete a quiz on Accelerated Reader. If you have a large/long book then don't worry if you don't get onto a quiz, you just need to ensure you are reading and signing your reading record. Please sign your reading record each time you read and add the date and page number.
- Spellings - Your weekly spellings have been uploaded to google classroom and the school website for you to learn for your test next Friday.
- Geography/ Art - In Geography we have started our new topic 'Oceans' where you have started to learn about the importance of The Great Barrier Reef. I would like you to create a piece of art work that shows the beauty of The Great Barrier Reef. You could use felt tips, paints, oil pastels or collage. Get creative!

Have a lovely weekend :)

Thank you,

Miss Keeling

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