The School Day
School Times
Nursery and Reception
8.50 am – 3.20 pm Nursery
8.50 am - 3.20 pm Reception
Years 1 to 2
8.50 am - 3.20 pm
Years 3 to 6
8.50 am to 3.20 pm
Ready to Enter School
It is essential that children are punctual at all times. Forming good timekeeping habits now stands a child in good stead in adult life.
For security reasons the school doors from the playground are locked immediately after the children have entered, and the school gates are locked at 9.00 am: anyone arriving late must enter school through the main door on Oxford Street and be logged into school at the office.
It is Salford LA’s policy that Nursery children are brought and collected by an adult. This is also advisable for infant children. If an adult other than yourself is collecting your child you must inform the school in good time.
Please be punctual when collecting children. Parents should wait outside in the playground to collect their children.