Our standard admission number is 30 pupils. Children are admitted to the Nursery Class in the September after their 3rd birthday. Parents who wish to send their child to the school should contact the Headteacher who will make an appointment for them to come on a visit to school. An application form must be completed online, and the child’s Birth Certificate (or equivalent identification) must be shown for nursery and reception age children. Any new child entering the school will also be asked for their birth certificate.
To apply online or for appeals please go to
If the school has a shortage of places, the Governing Body has adopted the Local Education Authority’s criteria for admission as follows:
- Medical reasons (as determined by the Authority and the Head Teacher taking into account the advice of the Authority’s Medical Advisor and the school’s facility to accommodate all children’s needs), and children whose statement of special educational needs stipulates that specific school. If claiming medical reasons, evidence that the child has a medical condition which means that admission to a particular school is essential may be required.
- Children in need (as defined by the Children’s Act 1989) ie. Those who are unlikely to achieve or maintain or have the opportunity of achieving or maintaining a reasonable standard of health or development or a child/children whose health or development would be further impaired without the provision of services by the local authority. If claiming admission under this criterion parents/carers must provide evidence from a relevant professional that attendance at a particular school is recommended and the reason for that decision.
- Older brother or sister in attendance at the school at the date when the pupil is to be admitted.
- Distance from the school. Priority is given to children who live nearest to the school. (The distance is measured along a straight line between the home address and the school).
Please note;
ALL SCHOOLS – In the course of allocating places for children within one of the above criteria it is possible that the school’s Standard Admission Number will be reached before all the children within that criterion have been allocated places. If that happens all of the children within that criterion (but not children in higher criteria whose places be assured) will be ranked according to distance from the school, so that the children who live nearest to the school (measured on a straight line distance from the school) will take up places until the Standard Admission Number has been reached, and thereafter no further places at the school shall be allocated.