Online Safety
We take e-safety very seriously at St Andrews with each class following our Computing Rules and Responsibilities. We have filtering devices in place which aim to block and filter any inappropriate material. We also have regular discussions with the children about the importance of staying safe online and what to do if they come across anything that upsets them or that is inappropriate.
Below are several links to external websites that give you further information, tips and guidance on helping your children be safe when online.
Worried about cyber bullying and how to help your children be aware of this form of bullying? Click here to go to the BBC website which gives a good overview and what Cyber bullying is and how you can help.
Other cyber bullying sites can be found here:
How to report inappropriate online behaviour
Click above to report if feel you or someone you know is being contacted inappropriately online. It will take you to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre where you can make a confidential and anonymous report.
Childnet International is a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the Internet a great and safe place for children.
CEOP's Thinkuknow for Parents and Carers.
An excellent website for tips and guides for keeping safe online. You can also download ClickCEOP tools for your browsers from here.
An excellent website for both parents/carers and children. Lots of help and advice for helping your children be safe online.
Tips and advice for children playing the Webonauts online game.
Advice from Microsoft on how to protect your Windows PC and set up child accounts for internet access.
Windows Phone - Kidproof your phone—in a way your kids will love.
Hand over your phone without fear. Kid’s Corner grants your little ones access only to the apps, games, videos, and music you choose for them, so you can relax and let them play. They can open Kid’s Corner on their own, but your Start screen, apps, and info are protected by a password you set. Only on Windows Phone 8.
Childproofing an iPad or iPhone
Tech Radar article giving you a step by step guide on how to protect your iPad and iPhone, whilst still giving your child access to apps etc.
Safe ways to Game Online As online gaming becomes much more popular it is important for all parents and carers to understand the ways of ensuring that children and young people play these games in a safe and appropriate way online.
The below links will direct you to some of the major games console manufacturers sites and the areas dedicated to developing safe settings.